Buy U-47700 Online


Buy U-47700 Online, It is all over the internet but we love to teach you more about it. Be that as it may be, what is u 47700? Yes we know it is a research chemical. It is an opioid with benzamide chemical class. It is also and opioid analgesic drug not for human consumption. But with it uses, we turn to consume it. The existence of this chemical is thanks to Upjohn in the 1970s. It sells as a designer drug.

This brown powder is very high in purity. it is 99.8% pure.In fact u 47700 powder is one of our main products. U 47700 opioid is highly selective for the µ-opioid receptor, and is research says it is roughly 7 to 8 times as powerful as morphine dose-per-dose. It is believed to be a strong kappa agonist, so should not produce substantial degrees of dysphoria or other unwanted effects. U-47700, like most opioids and their derivatives, is not suitable for human consumption. We are suppos to sell only to research chemists and laboratory personnel but we supply to all. At this point you might be asking what and opioid is. Opioid is a drug class. Opioids are substances acting on opioid receptors to produce morphine like effects. As a matter of fact vicodine, oxycontin, oxycodone and percocet fall under this class.


Buy U-47700 Online

Buy U-47700 Online, It is all over the internet but we love to teach you more about it. Be that as it may be, what is u 47700? Yes we know it is a research chemical. It is an opioid with benzamide chemical class. It is also and opioid analgesic drug not for human consumption. But with it uses, we turn to consume it. The existence of this chemical is thanks to Upjohn in the 1970s. It sells as a designer drug.

Buy U-47700 Online, It is all over the internet but we love to teach you more about it. Be that as it may be, what is u 47700? Yes we know it is a research chemical. It is an opioid with benzamide chemical class. It is also and opioid analgesic drug not for human consumption. But with it uses, we turn to consume it. The existence of this chemical is thanks to Upjohn in the 1970s. It sells as a designer drug.

Buy U-47700 Online,  This brown powder is very high in purity. it is 99.8% pure.In fact u 47700 powder is one of our main products. U 47700 opioid is highly selective for the µ-opioid receptor, and is research says it is roughly 7 to 8 times as powerful as morphine dose-per-dose. It is believed to be a strong kappa agonist, so should not produce substantial degrees of dysphoria or other unwanted effects. U-47700, like most opioids and their derivatives, is not suitable for human consumption. We are suppos to sell only to research chemists and laboratory personnel but we supply to all. At this point you might be asking what and opioid is. Opioid is a drug class. Opioids are substances acting on opioid receptors to produce morphine like effects. As a matter of fact vicodine, oxycontin, oxycodone and percocet fall under this class.

U-47700, nicknamed “U4,” “pink,” or “pinky,” is a highly potent synthetic opioid that looks like a white or light pink powder. A lot of times, it is often either sold in baggies or pressed into pills to look like legal painkillers. Abuse of this drug is similar to heroin, and prescription and designer opioids. U-47700 is also actively being used as a legal substitute of illegally abused morphine, heroin, or fentanyl derivatives (Coopman et al., 2016).

Buy U-47700 Online,  It is a potent μ-opioid receptor agonist belonging to the trans-1,2-diamine class of analgesics and derived from another opioid analgesic compound, AH-7921 (Coopman et al., 2016; Domanski et al., 2017).

U-47700 was originally developed by the Upjohn Company in 1978 and is about 1/10 as potent as fentanyl and 7.5-fold more potent than morphine in animal models.

Up to now, the compound has never been studied in humans and it is not registered for medical use, but possibly induces typical opioid side effects, including respiratory depression, pinpoint pupils, cyanosis, depressed consciousness, and sedation (World Health Organization [WHO], 2016, 2017; Domanski et al., 2017; Prekupec et al., 2017).

Buy U-47700 Online,  It is likely to be used for its morphine-like pharmacological effects such as varying degrees of sedation, euphoria, a general lift in mood with desired effects being experienced in waves. Consumers also report having experimented a “cool, relaxed” effect (Elliott et al., 2016; Domanski et al., 2017).

The routes of administration, as referred by users in web forums, include the oral, insufflation, intravenous and rectal routes and via an inhaler which contains a liquid solution with a minty taste (World Health Organization [WHO], 2016, 2017). Naive information, always on websites, reports that light doses range from 5 to 7.5 mg, common doses from 7.5 to 15 mg and strong doses from 15 to 25 mg. Onset of action after oral administration is around 15 min, duration of subjective effects is 5–7 h and after effects 1–4 h. Similarly, in case of insufflation, onset of action is 15 min, duration of subjective effects is 3–4 h and hang-over period 1–4 h. Finally in case of intravenous use, onset of action is 0–1 min, duration of subjective effects 1–2 h and after effects 1–4 h (Zawilska, 2017).

Buy U-47700 Online, In vitro metabolic profile of U-47700 was recently mapped for the first time using human liver microsomes (HLMs). Found metabolites were in vivo verified by analysis of urine specimens collected after five analytically confirmed cases of overdose from U-47700 consumption.


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